Customer Review
John Meggison, County Durham
I’ve used FTC in all the family cars for years with excellent results. The first car I used FTC in was a 130,000 mile Peugeot 5008 I was using as a taxi. With FTC I saw the emissions in that car fall from just under 1.50 to 0.01. An absolutely staggering result. The latest results for my Audi are equally as good. When I bought the car I had it tested and it gave a reading of 1.62. This car isn’t used as a taxi so it only does low mileage but in a matter of months the emissions have already halved to 0.82! Based on past experience I expect this figure to continue to fall as the mileage increases. FTC makes a big difference to performance, emissions and mpg just by clearing out any engine deposits that have built up.
(MOT test results/certificate supplied)